Recommended NEW Sci-Fi/Horror Short Stories
This is the first in a new series of posts I’ll be doing— a short list of recommended science fiction, speculative horror, and strange, misshapen things from the spaces in between. This will be done in chaotic semi-bimonthly fashion, and consist of recently published stories (all on this list are free to read). Here’s a few that stuck with me recently…
“This is How We Stay Alive” by L. Chan
in METAPHOROSIS: Jan-Mar 2024 issue
It was the six hundred and thirtieth day after Jeff became a ghost, and things were not going well…
“After Angels” By Richard Ford Burley
in HAVEN SPECULATIVE: issue 12, December 2023
…It’s been fifty years since the city was abandoned, but nature’s still wary about moving back in. That’s the way it is with angelfall…
“Claim the Dead” by Avi Burton
in KALEIDOTROPE: Winter 2024 issue
…I’m almost tempted to give him a strand of hair or sliver of fingernail, just ’cause I feel so bad for him, but I can’t. If zombies get a piece of you they’ll follow you home weeping for more…
“The Four Bill Club” by Donald McCarthy
in MYTHAXIS: issue 35
…Almost everyone in the Four Bill Club can brag of immense wealth and power, and I’ve found the relationship between being interesting and being wealthy is an indirect one…
Thank you for reading, see you soon(ish)! Let me know if you have a favorite sci-fi or horror magazine I should put in my rotation in case I’m not reading it yet…